Holly grew up in Blundeston, Suffolk: a little village largely obsessed with Charles Dickens. After years of juggling dancing, oboe playing, and acting, she studied Drama and Theatre Arts (BA Hons.) at Goldsmiths College, University of London, before training to be an actor at Arts Ed, London.
Since graduating, she has had the pleasure of playing Desdemona in Othello to audiences of up to 3000 people in a world tour that spanned thirteen countries. Last year she played the dual roles of Nerissa and Jessica in a 9-month international tour of The Merchant of Venice for American Drama Group Europe (ADGE) and TNT Theatre, which saw her perform to audiences in Japan, China, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the British Isles.
On screen, she has played leading roles in critically acclaimed and award winning films by Steve Balderson, an American film director who has worked with Kevin Richardson (Backstreet Boys), Jane Wiedlin (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, The Go-Go's), Susan Traylor, (To Die For, A River Runs Through It) and Golden Globe winner and Academy Award nominee, Karen Black, (Five Easy Pieces, Easy Rider, The Great Gatsby).
Please see Spotlight CV for Holly's other credits.
- Headshot
- Headshot
- Headshot
- Headshot
- Headshot
- Occupying Ed- Poster
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Still from Occupying Ed
- Culture Shock. Tribeca.
- Still from Culture Shock
- Still from Culture Shock
- Culture Shock, on set.
- Adeela, Culture Shock
- Raindance Film Festival. Culture Shock
- Raindance. Culture Shock
- Raindance. Occupying Ed.
- Raindance. Occupying Ed.
- After screening interview. Raindance.
- Holly Hinton and film director Steve Balderson.
- Othello, publicity shot.
- Rehearsal, Gulliver’s Travels.
Occupying Ed
Christopher Sams (also in The Far Flung Star) stars as Ed: mild-mannered, single, thin, clean, white guy. British actress Holly Hinton (also in Culture Shock) is Nicole, the mysterious woman who seems to be stalking him and who possibly has some connection with Ed’s occasional black-outs. Supporting the two outstanding lead performances are a cast of well-rounded minor characters. While not exactly a romcom, Occupying Ed is played with a light, indie touch that makes the whole 90 minutes a delight. It is something special, something magical, something unique. I loved it.
MJ Simpson- Films and Reviews
http://mjsimpson-films.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/occupying-ed.htmlOccupying Ed is one of the best films I’ve seen this year, let alone at Raindance Film Festival. Ed, played by the wonderful talent that is Chris Sams, is having a crisis an identity crisis, that sees him blackout and wake up days, sometimes weeks apart. If none of that was alarming enough, when Ed’s gone, Helena’s been stepping in and she’s got her own life, her own friends and gorgeous girlfriend, Nicole (a perfectly charming and strong turn from Holly Hinton).
It’s a conventional love story packaged in an entirely unique (and I honestly mean unique) way. Progressive, positive and incredibly well written and acted.
Alexandra Kessie- The Trash Bash
https://thetrashbash.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/raindance-day-7-occupying-ed-art-of-darkness-fuku-chan-of-fukufuku-flats/We may define this film as a romantic comedy. In fact, the first part of the film fuelled by the contrast between Ed's difficult, sarcastic and whiny personality clashing with the more free spirited Nicole offers a type of screwball comedy humour that works a real charm, also thanks to the performances by lead players Chris Sams and Holly Hinton.
Matt Micucci- Cinecola
More reviews can be found at: http://www.occupyinged.com
The Merchant of Venice
Die wahren Klugen in Stebbings Inszenierung – wie bereits in Shakespeares Vorlage – sind die Frauen. Da ist einmal Jessica, Shylocks Tochter, die dem häuslichen Gefängnis durchs Fenster in die Arme ihres christlichen Liebhabers entflieht und dabei nicht vergisst, des Vaters gesamte Barschaft mitzunehmen. Holly Hinton spielt diese Nebenrolle genauso glaubhaft wie die der gescheiten hübschen Nerissa, Dienerin und Freundin von Portia.
The truly wise in Stebbing's staging - as in Shakespeare's original - are women...There's even Jessica, Shylock's daughter who escapes through the window, runs away from her prison home in the arms of her Christian lover, not forgetting to take her father's entire stock of cash. Holly Hinton plays this supporting role just as credibly as that of clever pretty Nerissa, servant and friend of Portia.
FrankenpostBarely half a dozen actors provided a riveting performance, which subtly highlighted parallels with life in the twenty first century, where fear of the outsider in his many forms allows mistrust and scepticism to nourish the views of the bystander. Possibly one of Shakespeare's most relevant and disturbing plays, TNT Theatre Britain, nevertheless, provided a gripping portrayal of his work in a most entertaining and fast moving performance.
Especially convincing is Holly Hinton in the role of Desdemona. She seems at first naive and entirely devoted to the love of Othello and changes during the action into a strong woman who stands out with ease by her charm.
PasingThese changes between elation over her beloved lord and deep disappointment at the injustice of his behaviour are combined in the playing of Desdemona. She presents a delicate figure with backbone in a world of ruthless men.
Schwäbische ZeitungHolly Hinton embodied Desdemona as an enchanting and innocent victim till her death, which likely left nobody in the audience feeling cold.
Jeverland Bote
The Tempest
Holly Hinton's Miranda- the personification of innocence.
Camden New JournalHolly Hinton as Miranda and Tom Hunter as Ferdinand are an enchanting pair of lovers.
Ham and High
Far from the Madding Crowd
Holly Hinton captures the conflicting strengths and weaknesses of Bathsheba with tremulous grace.
Camden New JournalThe acting is strong with Holly Hinton an exotic, passionate Bathsheba Everdene...Boldwood's desperate, “But... you do not... absolutely refuse?” compounded by her arrogant dismissal, is a touching moment.
Barnett Press
The Merchant of Venice
Whilst the leads and supporting cast are all strong, Holly Hinton is particularly impressive as Jessica, the daughter caught between duty to her father, Shylock, and her love for Christian Lorenzo…
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